Tuesday, December 1, 2009

More & More Letters..

Few days ago i was searching in my PC folders for stuff to publish, then i realized that there is one missing folder, and its not just any folder, it has in it projects i have made, and not published yet :( i think i erase it by mistake when i was moving my folders to my new PC, now i have to collect pictures for these projects from there owners.. it's gonna take a while though,, it's very depressing to loose pictures, it's like loosing memories :(
So, anyway, i still have some pictures that were not in that folder, these are some letters that i have made for some of my friend's friend's baby :D for now these are the latest letters i have made..

This one, which i realy realy liked, i think it's different..

With everything that had been going on in my life, i hardly have the time for my blog, so, i just wish my next post will be soon ;)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hi Again...

It's been a while, ha? 3-4 monthes has passed since my last post, i had some crazy time during this period; my sister had her baby boy, my friend had her baby girl, my other friend had just got married (which was the biggest event in my life ('till now) :P) and, ooh right, me, i've just got engaged, which is also pretty big, i think ;)
So, with everything that has been going on in my life lately, and with the little free time i had, i always kept some space for my crafting, (unfortunatlly, that kept no time for me to write on my blog), so, lets get started...

first, for my friend's Baby Girl "YARA" which is, by the way, the cutest, little, tiny girl ever, i made something to hang on her bedroom's door:

(for a moment i thought of keeping it for myself :P)

and, something to hang on the wall:

and of course, for the mammy, a card:

Now, for my sister's Baby, i tried to decorate the Baby's room but, i don't have the final pictuers yet, but here is few things from the room..
the Baby's name (what else? ;P):

and on the door:

and the big pictuer:

well, thats every thing for now, alot of stuff are on the way, this is just a start :)

Monday, July 6, 2009


I still have alot of stuffs to show, and i can't wait to show them all so i can show the new ones :)

anyway, this time i decided to show u a "cute" collection of work that i realy like..

1st, here is something that i made fo myself, to hang it in my bed-room...

this one i can proudly say that i made it myself, for my friend Sukaina (of course), it was fun making it, i think it is a little diffirent from other stuff that i make, right?

This one, i "stole" the idea from the blog of Keren (פרפרים) i liked it and tried it and it was AMAZING ;)

maybe one day 'l make one for me :P

so, other thing that like to make is BookMarks, i think it's a good way to tell someone : "u should think of me even though u are reading" :P here is some of my newly hand-made BookMarks:

great day everyone...

Monday, June 29, 2009

And the winner is... ME

woooooooooooooooow.. i won :D
i know i paticepate in MIXIM challange because i want to win, but i didn't expect to really win :P i'm so excited..
take a look at my gift


Saturday, June 27, 2009

MIXIM 06.2009

Just right on time..
another MIXIM challange has ended, and on the last few minutes i managed to finish my work :) it was a crazy month and i had no enough time to think :P and the supject was really challanging, about re-purpose, and i couldn't think of anything 'till last night, when i saw a little SIM-CARD box and i decided to make a card out of it :) here are the pictures before:

and here what it is now :)
(i know it should be "at" not "to" but i figure this out after i finished it :D, honest mistake)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Gift's Wrapping

Woow, i'm so exited today
after a long waiting for 9 months, yesteday my sister had her baby, and finally i'm an aunt :D i'm just feeling great and for some reason (after 9 hours of work, and 2 hours left to go home) i'm still full of energy :D which is something unlikely to happen :P

Here is my nephew :) cute....

so, what i'm going to show u today.. mmm... how about gift's wrapping??? after working hard on a gift (either making it, or buying it) it has to look nice fom the outside too, sometimes wrapping the gift takes more time than making it :) i think its more important than the gift itself, i like it when people first see the gift, they don't want to open it just because they like the wrapping :)

here are some gift's that i specially wrapped fo people that are special to me :)

I hope u liked what u saw :) i'm doing my best to make every gift unique just for making that person feel unique and hopping to please him even if it just for a day ^_^