Monday, June 29, 2009

And the winner is... ME

woooooooooooooooow.. i won :D
i know i paticepate in MIXIM challange because i want to win, but i didn't expect to really win :P i'm so excited..
take a look at my gift


Saturday, June 27, 2009

MIXIM 06.2009

Just right on time..
another MIXIM challange has ended, and on the last few minutes i managed to finish my work :) it was a crazy month and i had no enough time to think :P and the supject was really challanging, about re-purpose, and i couldn't think of anything 'till last night, when i saw a little SIM-CARD box and i decided to make a card out of it :) here are the pictures before:

and here what it is now :)
(i know it should be "at" not "to" but i figure this out after i finished it :D, honest mistake)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Gift's Wrapping

Woow, i'm so exited today
after a long waiting for 9 months, yesteday my sister had her baby, and finally i'm an aunt :D i'm just feeling great and for some reason (after 9 hours of work, and 2 hours left to go home) i'm still full of energy :D which is something unlikely to happen :P

Here is my nephew :) cute....

so, what i'm going to show u today.. mmm... how about gift's wrapping??? after working hard on a gift (either making it, or buying it) it has to look nice fom the outside too, sometimes wrapping the gift takes more time than making it :) i think its more important than the gift itself, i like it when people first see the gift, they don't want to open it just because they like the wrapping :)

here are some gift's that i specially wrapped fo people that are special to me :)

I hope u liked what u saw :) i'm doing my best to make every gift unique just for making that person feel unique and hopping to please him even if it just for a day ^_^


Saturday, June 6, 2009

A B C...

I know, I know, it's been a while, just a little busy thats all
So, again, decorating names and letters is just like my "speciality" :) although it takes more time and effort than making anything else but it still fun to make, and a great, more personal gift..

Lets get started..
Here is a name that i made trying to include some pictures in it (actually its more like a pictures that include a name :P)

this one i made for my friend's little baby girl, i tried here to be a little more creative,i love this one (the girl too.. :D)

Here i thought of something different, (trying to add something to hang up little notes and stuff).. nice ;)

this is not clear enough, it says TUMA which is my friend nickname,

just something to hang on the BedRoom door

now, this "S" of course is for SUKA

i realy had fun making this one since it was my first letter to be larger than A4 pages :D

And finally, something for me :D

nice ha??

Sweat dreams